Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd
Swimtag technology For DC Leisure sites

Swimtag technology, created by 222 Sports Limited, is being introduced at three DC Leisure centres across the UK with funding from Sport England.

Swimtag is a training aid that records the number of lengths completed, split times, stroke rate and stroke type allowing users to set personal goals and follow exclusive training plans. They can also engage with other swimmers through challenges, competitions and via social networking.

The technology will be available to Swim4Health members at DC Leisure’s Victory Swim and Fitness Centre in Norfolk, Alfreton Leisure Centre in Amber Valley and Alton Sports Centre in East Hampshire. The technology will also monitor pool usage.

Susan Rosetto at DC Leisure said:  “Being able to monitor individual performance, set training programmes and compete with others is a key motivational tool for swimmers.”

The Swim4Health initiative was launched in 2010 in partnership with Sport England and the Amateur Swimming Association (ASA) to promote the health and fitness benefits of swimming and offer an ‘aquatic alternative’ to the gym.

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